I.T. Department

Town of Waterboro


I.T. Department

 David J. Lowe, I.T. Managerdave_lowe2
Webmaster & Media Broadcast Technician
24 Townhouse Road
East Waterboro, ME 04030
PHONE: (207) 247-6166, Ext. 105
FAX: (207) 247-3013
Email I.T. Department

cable_booth1The Town of Waterboro I.T. Manager provides virtually 24/7 onsite and/or on-call technical support to Waterboro Town Hall, Fire Department Central & South Stations, Transfer & Recycling Center, Department of Public Works and the Public Library. The I.T. Manager is responsible for maintenance, upgrade, troubleshooting, and repair of Town-owned network equipment including servers, computers, and printers, as well as various audio and video components associated with the Cable Television broadcasts.cable_camera

The I.T. Manager is also responsible for design and maintenance of the Town website, and works closely with all Town departments, employees, boards, and committees to ensure that residents are provided with timely, accurate and complete information via the Town's website, video archives, and the Government Access Cable Television Channel. 

serversImproving communication through technology is a primary goal.

The I.T. Manager is the designated point
-of-contact for general software and technical equipment vendors, as well as state and municipal software support providers. All computer and network technology requests are channeled through the I.T. Department for research and analysis. The I.T. model combining technological expertise and "single-point" technology budgeting allows for the most efficient use of designated technology funds. The I.T. Department manages email accounts and network access for all town employees and emergency services volunteers, as well as board and committee members.

The I.T. Manager helps ALL employees do their jobs more effectively by providing proactive equipment maintenance and quick repair of any hardware or software issues, and additionally by assisting all users with any technical support issues, including those specific to software in use by that department. Training users on new software functions increases the overall efficiency of the entire workforce.

Ongoing projects and goals of the I.T. Department to benefit the Town of Waterboro include the archiving of documents, photos and videos pertaining to the history of Town government. The I.T. Department has worked with the Waterboro Historical Society, the Waterboro Cemetery Committee, and others, to digitally archive historical documents and photos to be made available to the general public via the Town website. Among the items now available on the Town website are photos and data pre-dating the 1947 Fire which destroyed large portions of Town land and buildings, as well as a very large number of gravestone from many of the cemeteries within the town. Town Reports dating back 130 years are also in the digitizing process and will be released on the Town website as they become available. The Town of Waterboro I.T. Department continues to preserve and make available rare glimpses of the Town's past, and offer a wealth of historical data to the public now and for future generations.

Digitally preserving history for future generations is one function of a modern I.T. Department